9th HSDNI’s Sustainability Collaborative Conference-2025
Date and Place: Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada on 13 & 14 May 2025
Call for Abstract Submissions
(Deadline of submission: 15 February 2025)
Dear Colleague,
HSDNI at Toronto Metropolitan University is hosting the 9th HSDNI’s Sustainability Collaborative Conference-2025. HSDN International is a non-profit organization that has been operating with the goal of raising awareness and promoting practical models for sustainable development through cooperation and collaboration and in doing so, striving to reconcile economic growth with environmental interests and the protection of unique societal practices, cultures, and traditions. We have been organizing all over outreach activities on sustainability to share experiences, find out the challenges, and facilitate follow-up plans for a better society.
We are pleased to invite diverse stakeholders, scholars, lived and experienced people, and
social workers from around the world.
Conference Registration link: https://forms.gle/jhMLUPdfmyWegoR8A (Only for partners, volunteers, and TMU members)General participation scan the QR code:
The theme of the year: Inclusion and Diversity for Sustainable Society.
The conference will focus on the impacts, prospects, issues, causes, and challenges of cosmopolitan and multicultural societies and how to deal with and facilitate diversity for inclusion to prevent inequality and violence.
Sub-theme of the year:
1. Food Insecurity
2. Good Governance
3. Global Public Health
4. Inequality & Discrimination
The deadline for abstract submissions is currently 15th February 2025 and requested to
email to hsdn2014@gmail.com. All abstracts must be 150-200 words and include the authors’
first and last names, professional affiliations, and email addresses. Abstracts will be accepted
online, and notification will be provided on a rolling basis. Submissions should include a 4-5
sentence bio of the author with a preferred photograph for publication.
Call for Abstract Submissions
(Deadline of submission: 15 February 2024)
8th HSDNI’s Sustainability Collaborative Conference-2024
Date and Place: Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada on 12 & 13 June 2024 in Daphne Cockwell Complex (DCC) 7th floor
Dear Colleague,
HSDNI at Toronto Metropolitan University is hosting the 8th HSDNI’s Sustainability Collaborative Conference-2024. HSDN International is a non-profit organization that has been operating with the goal of raising awareness and promoting practical models for sustainable development through cooperation and collaboration and in doing so, striving to reconcile economic growth with environmental interests and the protection of unique societal practices, cultures, and traditions. We have been organizing allover outreach activities on sustainability to share experiences, find out the challenges, and facilitate follow-up plans for a better society.
We are pleased to invite diverse stakeholders, scholars, lived experienced people, and social workers from around the world.
The theme of the year: Inclusion and Diversity for Sustainable Society.
The conference will focus on the impacts, prospects, issues, causes, and challenges of cosmopolitan and multicultural societies and how to deal with and facilitate diversity for inclusion to prevent inequality and violence.
Sub-theme of the year:
- Food Insecurity
- Good Governance
- Global Public Health
- Gender and Race Inequality & Violence
The deadline for abstract submissions is currently 15th February 2024 and requested to email to hsdn2014@gmail.com. All abstracts must be 150-200 words and include the authors’ first and last names, professional affiliations, and email addresses. Abstracts will be accepted online, and notification will be provided on a rolling basis. Submissions should include a 4-5 sentence bio of the author with a preferred photograph for publication.
To register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/726153563857?aff=oddtdtcreator
HSDNI’s 7th sustainability collaborative conference-2023
Date and place: 9.30 am on 23th of May 2023 at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University), in Daphne Cockwell Complex (DCC) 7th floor
Theme: Sustainable Public Health
(sub-theme: food security, public health, and emergency response)
Conference Registration link: https://forms.gle/jhMLUPdfmyWegoR8A
N.B: The event will be recorded and published on social media. If anyone doesn’t want to be public please let the photographers know. Thank you.
Invitation for registration
Dear Colleague,
Greetings from Holistic Sustainable Development Network (HSDN) International, a non-profit organization registered under the Canada nonprofit act. HSDNI has been operating with the goal of raising awareness and promoting practical models for sustainable development through cooperation and collaboration and in doing so, striving to reconcile economic growth with environmental interests and the protection of unique societal practices, cultures, and traditions. We have been organizing allover outreach activities on sustainability issues to share experiences, find out the challenges, and facilitate follow-up plans for a better society.
The student club of HSDN International formed at Toronto Metropolitan University is going to host the 7th Sustainability Collaborative Conference on Sustainable Public Health. The event is open to anyone interested, locally or abroad.
On behalf of organising committee, I am pleased to invite you and request to share the opportunity with the potential participants. There will be no fee for participation or presentation and refreshment will be provided.
I have stated the main event details below for your reference:
Event Name: HSDNI’s 7th Sustainability Collaborative Conference-2023
Theme: “Sustainable Public Health”
Opening Speaker: Dr. Nancy Walton, Associate Dean, Student Affairs, Graduate Studies, Toronto metropolitan university
Sub-themes |
Keynote Speakers |
Session Chairs |
Food Security |
Dr. Sarah Elton, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology & Director, Food Health Ecosystems Lab, Toronto Metropolitan University |
Diane Dyson, president of East York garden club & past: works for interim vice president, research & advocacy at daily bread food bank, past: Canadian urban institute & TNG Community Services |
Public Health |
Axelle Janczur (she, her) Executive Director, Access Alliance Multicultural Health & Community Services |
Doly Begum, MPP, Scarborough Southwest & official opposition critic for citizenship, foreign credentials, and immigration services |
Emergency Response |
Stephanie Etkin, Emergency Management Coordinator, Office of Emergency Management, City of Toronto |
Nethan Shan, Trustee, Toronto District School Board |
Closing Speaker: Dr. Nasima Akter, EP, Executive Director, BCS, and Borad HSDNI
Many more distinguished speakers from academia, practitioners, and community organizations.
Date/Time: Tuesday, May 23, 2023, from 9.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Venue: Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University), in Daphne Cockwell Complex (DCC) 7th floor
Registration link (Limited Space): https://forms.gle/jhMLUPdfmyWegoR8A (Deadline 20th of May 2023)
Please find the attached event flyer with this email for your convenience. We look forward to seeing you at the event as registered participants.
Sincerely Yours,
Jannatul Islam
PhD Student, EnSciMan, Toronto Metropolitan University
On behalf of the Conference Organizing Committee
Contact#4373456722, Email: jannatul.islam@torontomu.ca
Call for Submissions
(Deadline of submission: 15 May 2023)
7th HSDNI’s Sustainability Collaborative Conference
The Theme of the Year: Sustainable Public Health
Date and Place: Toronto Metropolitan University, 23rd May 2023
(Daphne Cockwell Complex (DCC), 7th Floor, 288 Church St, Toronto, ON M5B 1Z5)
Dear Colleague,
HSDN International is a non-profit organization registered under the Canada nonprofit act that has been operating with the goal of raising awareness and promoting practical models for sustainable development through cooperation and collaboration and in doing so, striving to reconcile economic growth with environmental interests and the protection of unique societal practices, cultures, and traditions. We have been organizing all over outreach activities on sustainability to share experiences, find out the challenges, and facilitate follow-up plans for a better society.
As a growing international organization, we are pleased to invite diverse stakeholders to attract scholars and social workers from around the world to submit their abstracts in facilitating the goal for a holistic sustainable society on the theme of Sustainable Public Health (Sub-themes: Food security, Emergency Management, and Public Health).
Covid-19 changed and taught us many things. The most important learning is the critical necessity for sustainability in the health system. The conference will focus on the impacts, prospects, issues, causes, and challenges of cosmopolitan and multicultural societies and how to deal facilitate Sustainable Public Health considering the issues of food security, emergency management, and public health.
The deadline for abstract submissions is currently 15th May 2023 and requested to email to hsdn2014@gmail.com. All abstracts must be 150-200 words and include the authors’ first and last names, professional affiliations, and email addresses. Abstracts will be accepted online, and reviewed, and notification provided on a rolling basis. Submissions should include a 4-5 sentence bio of the author with a preferred photograph for publication.
Collaborative partners:
Fourth “HSDNI’s Sustainability Conference for Future Sustainable Societies” on May 30, 2020 in University of Toronto, Scarborough Campus

Sustainable Development Network (SDN), a chapter organization of HSDN, is organizing a conference on Diversity and Social Inclusion for Sustainable Societies. The event will consist of raising awareness and promoting practical models for sustainable development through cooperation, collaboration and striving to reconcile economic growth with environmental interests and the protection of unique societal practices, cultures, and traditions in mind.
The event is open to anyone interested, locally or abroad, with a limit of expected audience of 70 people. This symposium will be of interest to students with similar project interests, academics, researchers, and community group, national and international social and environmental activist group (s). Due to budget constraints, we are not able to offer travel and accommodation reimbursement. The event details are as below:
Theme: “Diversity and Social Inclusion for Sustainable Societies”
Date/Time: Saturday, May 30th, 2020 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Venue: University of Toronto Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON M1C 1A4
The projects and presentation, including presenters’ profiles, will be featured in social media, HSDNI website, and other sources. Besides, the projects and presentation will be added in study materials. If anyone doesn’t want to be featured, please advise in advance.
We appreciate your confirmation at your earliest convenience so that we can plan.
If presenters would like to present their research at the conference, please submit abstracts to hsdnconference@gmail.com by 11:59 PM by March10, 2020.
Registration now live: http://sustainabilityconference-2020.eventbrite.com/
Third “HSDNI’s Sustainability Conference for Future Sustainable Societies” and Multi-cultural Show on June 30, 2019

HSDN International is a non-profit organization registered under Canada nonprofit act has been operating with the goal of raising awareness and promoting practical models for sustainable development through cooperation and collaboration and in doing so, striving to reconcile economic growth with environmental interests and the protection of unique societal practices, cultures, and traditions. We have been organizing allover outreaches activities on sustainable communities to share the experiences, find out the challenges and to facilitate follow up plan for a better society.
We are pleased to inform you that Sustainable Development Network (SDN) of University of Toronto, a student club of HSDN International is going to host the Third HSDNI’s Sustainability Conference for Future Sustainable Societies and Multi-cultural Show.
Event details:
Event Name: Third “HSDNI’s Sustainability Conference for Future Sustainable Societies” and Multi-cultural Show
Theme: “Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Society”
Date/Time: Sunday, June 30th, 2019 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Venue: University of Toronto Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON M1C 1A4, Room: MW-110, Building: Social Sciences Building
The event is open to anyone interested, locally or abroad, with a limit of expected audience of 70 people. This symposium will be of interest to students with similar project interests, academics, researchers, and community group, national and international social and environmental activist group (s). Due to budget constraints, we are not able to offer travel and accommodation reimbursement. Light refreshment will be provided, and attendees may buy a lunch for $15.
The projects and presentation, including presenters’ profiles, will be featured in social media, HSDNI website, and other sources. Besides, the projects and presentation will be added in study materials. If anyone doesn’t want to be featured, please advise in advance.
We appreciate your confirmation at your earliest convenience so that we can plan.
If presenters would like to present their research at the conference, please submit abstracts to hsdnconference@gmail.com by 11:59pm on June 10, 2019.
The registration link for the conference is this: https://sustainability-conference.eventbrite.com/
13 November 2015 at Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Inaugural WWHSDC Conference at Grenfell Campus, Memorial University
Find the program schedule here
Theme of the Conference: Collaboration for Sustainable Communities
Host: Worldwide Holistic Sustainable Development Cooperation (WWHSDC) and Environmental Policy Institute and collaborative partners.
Sponsoring Partners: Grenfell AVP office (Academic & Research), GCSU, GSU, Engagement Office, Navigate, Student Innovation Fund, Scholarship in Arts Fund
Venue: GCSU Lounge & AS Atrium, Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Date: 13 November, 2015 on Friday.
Target Audience: Faculty members and researchers, Graduate students, Undergraduate students, Local community groups and government agencies and NGOs
Short overview of the organization: WWHSDC, which is an initiative championed by graduate students of the Grenfell campus-Master of Arts in Environmental Policy Program, is a non-profit organization. It was recently created in 2014 with the goal of raising awareness and promoting practical models for sustainable development through cooperation and collaboration and in doing so, striving to reconcile economic growth with environmental interests and the protection of unique societal practices, cultures, and traditions. Currently we have an active website (http://www.hsdni.org/) which hosts an international journal and a blog, among others.
As a growing international organization with roots in the Grenfell community, it is with great enthusiasm we seek collaboration with diverse stakeholders to partner academically, and financially and otherwise in facilitating our inaugural event in November, 2015.
Event goals:
- An innovative way to build strong partnerships and collaboration on sustainable community issues with different stakeholders ranging from Grenfell Campus students, faculties and staff, International environmental certification organizations, Government agencies and NGOs, plus local/traditional organizations in Corner Brook and on the West Coast of Newfoundland.
- The inaugural conference/workshop will signal the official launching of the WWHSDC’s academic journal (Journal for Worldwide Holistic Sustainable Development-JWHSD) and will be the first of what we hope will become an annual conference. This will help fill a vacuum by championing a platform for annual conferences and an academic journal supported by the Grenfell community.
- This initiative will be the first in a series aiming to project sustainability collaboration and networking opportunities at the Environmental Policy Institute, Grenfell Campus and Corner Brook community to the world.
* We want to hear from you! This event will host a Q&A session/forum aiming to identify the most pressing sustainability issues in the community and desirable ways to deal with them.
For registration: Registration form for conference at Grenfell-2015