
The world is careening out of control, with technology improving by leaps and bounds, each new advancement leading to a myriad of unforeseen consequences. At the same time, the world is shrinking, with borders blurred by international treaties, international economic agreements and the Juggernauts often referred to as multinational corporations, wielding more power and having more money than many sovereign states.

With all this craziness going on around us, it is easy to feel small and out of control. It is easy to feel like we cannot have a say in the affairs around us, to get intimidated by all the large scale happenings and to have our opinions and ideas trapped inside us.

Today I bring you good news.

The Worldwide Holistic Sustainable Development Cooperation (WWHSDC) is presenting you with a platform to present your views and opinions to the world, through its blog. You can share your insights and read the views and opinions of people from around the world, educating yourself and others in the process. It will give you the opportunity you always wanted – to influence the world around you and not merely be a passive observer.

The blog will feature monthly topics concerning the world around us and its development, authors will share their opinions on the topics selected, before the topic is thrown open for comments and opinions, so as to allow the full exploration of the topic.

The blog will also feature news segments, where interesting developments around the world will be reported and will present an avenue for you to share your opinions on these happenings and gauge reactions to your opinions.

Literary pieces in the form of pictures, videos, and stories will be posted regularly on the blog, all within the context of the development around us. Entries will be accepted and posted based on the standards of our organization, giving your work a large audience to appreciate your pieces and photos.

Competitions will be organized at regular intervals, ranging from photo entries on selected topics, to stories and even best jokes. There will be many avenues to showcase all your many talents. At the end of the month, the commentator of the month will be chosen, and he or she will be given an opportunity to be the keynote writer for the subsequent month in addition to other rewards.

Register now and unleash a world of unimaginable intellectual possibilities!



Jannatul Islam

By admin